Tidbits in Type -Volume One

Ever find yourself reading a book only to stop occasionally and look something up that the author referenced? I love adding more to my understanding of a story by knowing the meaning of obscure word, or finding an image of a particular item.

I’ve always done this to some degree. Lately, while re-reading my all-time favorite books series, Outlander, by Diana Gabaldon, I found more things to look up. Being of Scottish heritage, I find a lot that is referenced in the books fascinating. I imagine my ancestors in similar times or circumstances.

One of the words I just had to find the description of is “frowsty”. My mother always used the word “frowzy” when describing one of kids if our hair was a mess. In the eighth book of the series, “Written in My Own Heart’s Blood”, Roger and William wake up “frowsty”. Such a close word to the one my mom used (and still uses). Frowzy means scruffy and neglected in appearance. Frowsty means having a stale, warm and stuffy atmosphere but is derived from frowzy and musty. It’s little similarities to heritage when reading books such as these that endear them to me further.

Another thing I had to look up was “Irn Bru”. In the same book, Bree was in a roadside cafe. After having a less than decent cup of tea, she suggested to the person who joined her at the table, “Don’t order the tea.” Taking her word for it, he ordered, “…a bacon butty and an Irn Bru”.

Irn Bru is to Scotland what Coca-Cola is to Atlanta, Georgia. Originally created in 1901, has developed into a proud national brand with strong marketing campaigns that rival Coca-Cola and Pepsi. Referred to as Scotland’s “other national drink.” In my quick research, I found the Irn Bru tartan, recipes, and even funny memes.


I’m going to have to find some now and give it a try. There are many places in the states where it can be purchased, and thanks to Amazon, nearly anything is accessible. (While you’re at Amazon, order yourself a copy of Outlander by Diana Gabaldon and start your love affair.)



Thyroid and Time for Change

For the past decade, or possibly longer, I have been living with hypothryoidism. A condition that has many side affects that seem to be a circular decent into the pit of despair. Since my thyroid gland is under active, my thyroid doesn’t produce certain hormones that affect nearly every aspect of my body including my brain, heart, skin and muscles.

Until recently, I just accepted this as part of my heritage. My mother had thyroid issues and eventually had the gland removed completely. My sister and adult daughter also have issues with this. But then I started reading articles on the website hypothyroidmom.com. I started talking to others, outside of my family, who have this disease. What I’ve found is that my current method of “treatment” isn’t really doing me any favors.

I’ve been gaining weight for almost 20 years despite diet plans, work out routines, gastric surgery, and most off all, medication that is meant to “treat” this condition. In addition to this condition, I have been diagnosed with insulin resistance and depression. Most of which I attributed to weight gain. Weight gain has been the source of blame for my lethargy, fatigue and sore aching joints. I didn’t realize that all of these are symptoms, including weight gain are due to under active thyroid. There are so many symptoms that can be traced back to my thyroid. All the while my physicians have been addressing them as individual symptoms. Not parts of the whole.

As I mentioned, I have been doing some eye-opening reading. One article has lead to another and another. The one I mentioned to my doctor today is from the previously mentioned website about someone else’s journey and how she found success. You can read her story here. Her story seemed so similar to mine, except for the time frame. She didn’t wait nearly so long to seek change.

My doctor was receptive to my concerns and tomorrow I start my journey. I am changing my medication (Levothyroxin) from the same thing that it has been for far too long to a combination of the old and the new. If this doesn’t work, we’ll drop the old stuff entirely and try all new.

I want to keep track of this change here in my blog. Perhaps I will also be able to look back a couple of years from now with a before and after perspective that is positive and continuous. I know what I used to be and that is not who I am now. I remember being in better shape, more active, happier, and outgoing. I want to be that person again. I know she is in me screaming to get out. My husband wants her back (I’m sure) and my children deserve to know her.

Lesson Twelve Reflection



This week we looked at our ranking and link building, our Google Analytics results and what woorank.com could tell us about our website. Each exercise was telling and helpful. My ranking and link building needs lots of work. But on my GA results I could see that the times I have used the share buttons to send out information to Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest had generated traffic. I liked seeing where my traffic had come from, even if the bounce rate was horrible.

With woorank.com, I could see exactly why I have a horrible bounce rate. There is much to fix and improve on. Learning of such a tool and how to use it for improvement is great and I will be sure to use it more in the future as I pursue this degree and at the same time strive to improve my own online business. I look forward to making those changes and see the difference in woorank.com as I prepare for Project #6.

Lesson 11 Reflection

social-seo-cycle21This week we learned and discussed how social media enhances and works with and for SEO. There are so many ways, in which the various means of social media work for SEO. By posting good content, with proper descriptions and images, those posts are recognized in searches with keywords. They are also helpful and more effective when those posts re shared throughout social media outlets. Images and description on Pinterest, Facebook, Google+ and Twitter.

Where Google is the top search engine, correlating posts on Google+ that include images, and if possible maps, will more easily reach top search results.

Lesson 10 Reflection


This week’s focus was on landing page and website optimization and SEO. Being able to make our landing page information, descriptions and title match what we are offering is critical in creating a better user experience. If the landing page is not optimized to match the ad, this is where the user will leave your site. This wastes money invested in marketing and results in lost sales. The goal is have an engaging landing page that is what the user was looking for and that they will spend a moment on and hopefully shopping. Ideally, the user will explore more of the site. This is not an easy, simple task. This requires work, testings, rewriting, testing some more and

Things that should be tested are the headline copy, calls to action, forms, body copy, and page layout. There are many things that could deter or detract a buyer and all things should be focused on being user-friendly, quickly loading, and content specific.

SEO, Search Engine Optimization, is a way of getting people to your landing page. This is a whole lengthy topic in and of itself but some things that increase SEO are:

  • Name your photos. Don’t use random numbers.
  • Have the same username on every site.
  • Encourage social media sharing. Have sharing buttons on each post.
  • Use meta descriptions in html code. Google still uses those in searches.

There are many, many, aspects to the key optimization of websites. This is a topic and a practice that will need to be ongoing to be effective.

Lesson 9 Reflection


This week we focused on ROI (Return on Investment) and optimizing our ad to increase conversion. Some of the ways I’ve found are to find better keywords. I have a couple in mind, like “steampunk” and “earrings” but as I write this I am thinking of more. Words like “boho”, “industrial”, “chic”, This typewriter key jewelry appeals to such a wide variety of people; teachers, secretaries, accountants, librarians, journalists, writers, historians, antique lovers, and so much more. It is hard to narrow down or put a framework around all them. Some of my customers purchase because of the unique puns and sayings in the jewerly and then come to appreciate the history. Some by for the history and nostalgia. Some want a custom piece for someone they know will appreciate the history.

Choosing what words to pull out of such an array of clients and interests, it a daunting task. My first words were descriptive; handmade, typewriter, key, jewelry. Pretty much to the point. But there are so many “special” words, like I found with “steampunk”. I need to look into more of this special words. Words that will bring that person into my site and convert to a customer.

Lesson 8 Reflection


This week we worked on Google Analytics and went back to our Adwords to see how relevant our key words were with their quality scores. I had already set up Google Analytics but hadn’t spent much time analyzing it. This was a good time to review and refine my ad, and learn more about what Google Analytics was tracking, how to change my view and look at different parameters of output. I also took the opportunity to set up GA for my Scentsy website.

Tonight, while preparing to write this post, I thought about seeing if my ad would show up on a Google search. I wasn’t disappointed! I have to say, it was nice to see my own business there. I was also able to see who my competition is and what their ads looks like. Here is how my ad looked…


This week’s approach to my assignments was to be more involved and, if possible, have my assignments done well in advance of the deadline. This was aided by the lack of difficulty in my other two classes this week. Things have a way of balancing themselves out. Last week was a light in this class and nearly overwhelming in the others.


Week 7 Reflection

This weeks focus was Ad Words and what our driving words are. This is kind of a repeat of last week and there wasn’t much else. I feel like there was not much expected and I didn’t contribute or learn much, or continue my focus on my website. The parallel to my week at home is incredible. Starting the week with a back injury that was a result of a fall the previous week, kept me immobile and medicated, leaving me with little drive or desire to much more than what was absolutely expected. The light work load of this week was a blessing in that regard but also a curse as I feel like I have lost ground and may have set myself back a pace or two.

I know I need to step it up this coming week and make up for lost ground and really get my website in shape. Much of it is still filled with placeholder and filler. I want my site to be useful and meet the goals I have set for it.

Lesson 6 Reflection


This week’s focus was on Google Adwords and Keywords for SEO (Search Engine Optimization). This brought up a trigger of mine when it comes to “negative” words or as the discussion brought about, the topic of “bad words”. One of my pet peeves is the avoidance of negativity. Negativity doesn’t equate to “bad”. It is merely what gives balance and fine tuning to everything. There is a reason there is opposition in all things. In the case of SEO, we have the opportunity to decide what we don’t want in an audience, or what we don’t offer to those seeking.

This is no different from other aspects of life. There is evil in the world. Just as we make the choice to resist and avoid evil, we also make the choice as to what evil we invite into our lives. I’ve always felt that so many times in my life; work, school, relations, that when a negative subject comes up, so does a wall of avoidance. Addressing negative topics in an intelligent and safe discussion is a great way to see where people stand on an issue, or to make your thoughts known, or to come to a decision on how to approach a sensitive topic. Negative, doesn’t mean bad. It’s just the other side of the scale from positive. There needs to be balance and both sides needs to be considered. Employing “what ifs” and imagining different scenarios and possible outcomes is a great way to work through possible issues before they happen. Is that being negative or prepared? Did Noah avoid building the Ark because the reaction he got was negative? No, he focused on his goal and weighed the positive with the negative and kept on with his task. It wasn’t easy. But, the more you strengthen yourself by dealing with opposition, the better you are at handling each instance that comes along. Analytical skills are enhanced and sharpened each time because there are previous experiences to draw from.

So, in my keywords, I tried to think of those things that I don’t offer. Key words that someone might use in a search that they will not find at my website. Words like “cheap”, “bulk”, “replica”, “imitation” and so on. Someone looking for “cheap jewelry” will not find me. That isn’t my customer. It’s not “bad” to say that. I am not being a snob. It’s just a fact. Shoppers who know, recognize that I am not selling jewelry that looks like they could buy it in any mall shop or department store. Nor, do the components look like any that DIYers would have found in a craft store or aisle. My customers are looking for something more unique and original. Something of quality, from an artisan, a designer. Not something that was sorted from a box that arrived from China and given a UPC.

Knowing what I offer and who my client is, makes it easier for me to let them know where to find me, and to keep those that aren’t looking for me, on their own path.